
Saw this already on Reddit....

Just hit F5.

You are so embarassing, someone should post this conversation thread on /r/cringepics. If I ever conceive a child as dumb as you, I'll kill it.

over 10 of my friends began using Reddit in 2013, female and male - all over 22.

You can try actually paying attention, or even using the help section. Dumbass fucktards can use Reddit - you don't want to be dumber than a dumbass fucktard.

Who's they?

Are you trolling right now!? I seriously don't understand how someone can have your utterly fucked up opinion - I'm sorry for you.

Fail troll.

I doubt it, predators have almost twice the mass of a human and that head looks human-sized. The fact that it's a mask/helmet makes it even smaller when you think about it.

Then play on a server without it lol that's what I do. I'm not the biggest fan of spotting either but it works in an organized scrim really well.

Well then let's hope this franchise gets retired for a few years, it really needs a break already - it's almost as bad as Assassins Creed with the fatigue.

Knowledge drop. Well said, friend. I was thinking the same thing but I know nothing of Japan nor have I visited (too busy commuting back home to germany twice a year).

Someone had a little to much National Socialist Party for breakfast.

That awkward moment when you realize you're the only faggot in the comments section.

Just got a 3DS from my winnings at Satoshi Dice, have a ton of phidgets laying around - probably gonna set up my own.

The girl actually is a lesbian? So not a phase...

No wonder it sucks. As a PC gamer playing the waiting game, I continually wondered what the fuck GTA Online actually is - I falsely expected another lobby/server-based online experience with some sort of persistence between hosts. The MMO idea is pretty whack, coming from R* at least.

Yeah dude they're cunts. The employees are similar to gamestop, except somehow even more nerdy - and in all the wrong ways. They're so nerdy, they have no idea how much people resent them and so they allow their false pride to grow until their own body weight catches up. Then, if left to wrestle their own nerdy pride,

Meanwhile I laugh at the proclaimed title of "Sports expert."

I used to "catch" them in my backyard growing up in Germany, Sonic was probably my inspiration.