
any bioshock is 100x more beautiful than Skyrim

That screen is like $14.

It takes a lot of will to stick your head above cover and aim down your rifle or machine gun to return fire.

My favorite.

Because West and Zampella are on board, two of the founding members from Infinity Ward. After their departure from Activision CoD has remained largely the same, and people are beginning to grow tired of it. Spawning Respawn entertainment, and creating this game is what they've been doing while we played MW3 and Black

LOL, Plunkett....

Wow.... IMO it's the biggest MMO disaster.


The Half-Life philosophy

Fuck sprites.

Is twenty dollars really a lot to people? For video games, the biggest luxury of all? Spoiled motherfuckers.


Obvious troll. Or potential retard.

This would have never happened with custom Android firmware.

To beat around the bush: You would have to dual-boot the machine with windows, which is not going to be difficult. The process will likely be very similar to how we do it on a traditional desktop (lots of easy tutorials to follow).

I was just poking fun, THC is THC. It just might take a few extra bowls.

I skipped AC2 and all the garbage that came after that until AC3. Personally, I'm excited but I certainly will only buy it to support the devs. Past that, I'm playing the torrented version to avoid uplay altogether.

What you bought sounds like outdoor. Ew.

Marijuana is grown locally a vast majority of the time unless you're dealing in pounds. If purchased in california, chances are some cali stoner studying botany grew it for you. All the other shit requires import, decapitations, and a slue of videos on documenting reality.

I have a friend, the self proclaimed "king of space-sims". Well, needless to say I did not let him keep that title once I saw how miserably he failed at EVE.