
What a loser, wow.

"I may not own the game, the platform, or be able to play it as well as the caster can."

It is. I'm only a few years older than the generation we all love to hate so much, but even I can't put myself in their shoes.

Yeah that's just as weird, except that one only has to minimize the window and double click an icon vs. getting together a large group of motivated individuals and then actually doing something physical.

Has to be a generational thing, anyone I know thinks it's pathetic and meanwhile all the 17 year old people I meet online think nothing wrong of it.

Yeah I don't get the spreadsheet jokes at all.... :P Sounds like dumb kids making fun of science class to me.

Don't ever say "lmao" again, if you want people to take your writing serious.

If you neither fit the he or she category, you're an it. Sorry.

You realize Angry birds came out in 87, right? Way before flash games existed.

Fucking idiot. Yeah, you.

Kids must hate you. Anyone sixteen or older is considered an adult by the majority of the planet, and usually able to make his/her own decisions. Good luck with your kids!

My father is a professional photographer for Märklin in Germany, I can tell you the people that are interested in these kinds of things are willing to spend thousands on a model passenger train add-on so three grand doesn't seem that bad...

Sorry for coming off like a dick;

Bro, one of my machines has a second generation i7 930. Not even close to being a bottleneck yet. You are fine, I'm pretty sure your CPU is better than the 930.

Those people just have to beef up their ballsacks, or deal with medium presets. It is what it is.

Marketing costs a shitload, brah.

That's only a five-man constellation - a wonderful ship. The carrier however, has a maximum crew of 750 human beings.

Bro you have a lot to learn........ the ships you get now for real $$$ (even the 5k ones) are simply a reward for pledging. They will ALL be available in-game for in-game currency.

I can't wait for the amount of shit we'll receive when true VR becomes a thing. The shit these wannabe superstar psychologists will be saying then, will be glorious. Lack of compassion my ass - I've been pwning bitches since I was 4 in Comand and Conquer, but I haven't lost any of that.

You missed out, at this point it's impossible to tell where HL2 innovated the genre since every other game has since copied the mechanics to the core. But you will still have a blast, I just co-opped through it again last weekend.