
Why would there be any evidence if Gabe hasn't released any? LOL

Ask one of the employees, they're not generally that hard to track down on the internet.

The stone you speak of is actually Styrofoam, and you ate a little to much of it.

Which is why Half Life 3 is taking so long.

Oh man, you haven't been around the block with us enough.

And yet the champions are nowhere near the APM record values, so there must be more to SC2 than clicking. XD

Gamers love Breaking Bad? When did that happen? I love the show, but no one else I know who plays video games even watches it.

This post was so video game related I had to unsubscribe.

You're right, it's figuratively wrong. lol

Run-on sentence.

Better question is why not? They are diluting mechanics that only serve to broaden the audience (every games downfall).

Strange because everyone I know who's been there, done that, says the opposite. Time speeds up and so does your body. This is why I like the slowing mechanisms in games so long as they are a scarce luxury that can't be triggered every 30 seconds like in Max Payne 2.

Man you are one sorry son of a bitch, your gramps fucked you up hard.

I don't think there's a point in there at all. You're pushing buttons on a controller, kind of like adjusting the volume while watching a torture scene in a movie.

Streaming as a feature: yes; The way you described Steambox as being an OnLive box: Fuck no.

EDIT: LOL this is a year old article...

You don't love him. You barely even know his style.

"If Valve releases a console it will likely be a streaming box (ala OnLive)"

Except the Steambox is a PC, not a new system.