
The minute I found out about Supercard DSone I never bought another DS game and since I gave my friend a supercard for her 3DS she hasn't either. 32GB microSD's can hold a lot of data.

You must be one of those people we call dumb.


You don't think that's worth being mentioned? lol

This definition was created before Video games and the competitive community surrounding them even existed - heck computers were far away when the word athlete became a thing. It needs to be updated it seems.

lol get over yourself everyone judges everyone especially when said person has a fucking chest tattoo...

The kid is probably a huge pussy to begin with and is now faced with violence that his teachers can't simply break up by calling a few "high-school security guards" over to deal with the situation. This isn't his fault by any stretch but maybe it's time to grow some balls.

Only because you're assuming it's going to be a Battlefield type game. What if it turns out like Medal of Honor? ;)

I never understood this whole concept, I watched the Alien movies before I turned six and had probably played through Duke Nukem, Comand and Conquer, and Fallout at the same time. I don't remember a single scene from any of those games other than a few moments of Tanya blowing up buildings that were barely bigger than

Portal wouldn't exist without half life

aw poor child...

Yup, you're a monster.

I stared at it for a while in hopes of feeling something off-putting but I seem to be resilient... :/

Absolutely fantastic post. I have my Ouya and I believe.

you just butchered it.

Listen, bud. You don't have to feel embarassed - it's OK.

You didn't add the prefix, it's a real item. I think you're in denial about your mom and sister.

Your mom and sister have man-purses? A bit dykeish.

I see what you're saying, and the controllers look worse than they are believe me I have two. They are not quite the build quality of a 360 controller but only barely beneath. The reason there is a lining there is because the silver plates can be detached in order to access the battery slots (one on each side).

I must be completely fucking retarded because the mod doesn't work for me, I must dabble further into this and get it running. It even shows up in the list of mods to be loaded... dafuq. :P