
LOL although the employee is acting a bit feminist that was hilarious.

You better lore the fuck up, winter is coming!

Absolutely anyone has seen Star Wars and Alien but I know zero human beings who have seen the Wire.

I play with the regular WASD actually, but I've known many people over the years that play differently - your preference included. :) I was just joking with you really.

8456 man

I'm sure you secretly had visions of a future where people downloaded at blazing fast DSL and that you devised schemes to minmax profit by backpacking on this trend.

"When in Rome, do as the Romans. That is, unless you are the third richest man in the world on a goodwill mission. Then, I guess, do whatever the hell you want."

Programmer art does in deed have a very fitting stereotype attached to it. This is why I love it when independent groups make game engines and show them off..........

Sounds about right :P I'm sure the technique/algorithm will be innovated upon to reach mirror stillness.

Were you Jay Wilson's first indie project?

Your graphics aren't that bad, your art style sucks tho.

It probably already has in tons of independent projects! :)

Agreed. And without proper particle physics something like that simply can't be done (simulated) without some artist tricks.

LOL you're telling me Xbox 360 has fucking ads? This just gets better and better...

Have you played JC2? I'm not being a dick here, I just want to know because honestly that's all anyone ever does in that game solo or multi but let me tell you it's 1000x more entertaining in multiplay.

The thing I love most about the stupidity surrounding this situation is that paying money to an indie startup is essentially an investment. Websites have altered this a bit by not paying out until the "goal" has been reached but to be honest that's just to prevent bullshit such as this from happening. People need to

I like how the article makes a point that this is not in any way a big deal, or even a deal that should concern ANYONE in the slightest. What happens in the comments? People making a big deal.

Hoooooly shit my joke got way out of hand... I love Kotaku. xD

You have expectations of a one-hit-wonder? :P

Couldn't agree more, I have been playing C&C, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, and all the other violent games that were around when I was a toddler since then and to this day. I have yet to feel the need to own a weapon of any kind or to seriously hurt someone due to some kind of desensitized notion that it's okay.