
Turn based strategy games are a different world though Falcon, don't you think? That's like comparing Civ to Final Fantasy.

Yes that's exactly what I'm saying. I can live without console exclusives because as a PC gamer there are millions of exclusives one can find and play. I played Zelda religiously on everything up until gamecube after that I stopped playing on consoles.

I am one and most of my friends are too. People tend to associate with people alike themselves so i'm not saying all the gamers around here are PC gamers, it's just about 10% like everywhere else but out of my circle only very few even own consoles of any gen. I'm 100% PC unless you want to include Android lol.

No sir, it's primarily Microsoft's "fault" (intent, really). They created and own DirectX which is what the vast majority of engines and games use for their rendering, now that Mac supports x86 CPU's and the same video cards windows gamers have it's entirely possible in theory and that's why it's being done so much

Me personally, I am the opposite of you. I can't fathom playing games on a couch away from my screen - I want to be entirely engulfed in the experience whether it be a tactical one or an immersive one. That being said I have a 50+ foot DVI cable running along the bottom edge of the wall hooking up to my projector

I'm with you 100% about personally thinking that it's a waste of space and money for my home but considering that 90% of gamers somehow prefer small boxes and couch-style gaming there's a massive market for this. All about that cheddah, and I don't think its even marketed toward us pc enthusiast types.

The only thing that can't be cracked in theory would be server-side authentication - they have tried other things like packing games to the brim with DRM and to be completely honest that's worse. Server problems will go away, DRM stays. My thoughts.

I'm pretty sure you're trolling, but just to say it, if you're not... good lord....

Haha I can't believe I didn't pick up on that ^^

He clearly stated he wants to play the same game on his tablet / mobile phone as well as the PC so if that's really going to happen he won't have much of a choice. Tegra 4 might be a big jump but not /that/ big.

Sandbox? I'm really curious right now :P

Oh shit we got a badass over here xD lol what a faggot

lol but it doesn't matter to me! xD

You're totally right but for me personally I stopped caring.

Obviously there's enough people out there with substantial connections or else this wouldn't be as big of a trend as it has been the past year. I don't like that it's always online but I'm not going to bitching about it everywhere because it's certainly not going to change anytime soon if ever.

Spore WAS a disappointment :/

Just the way it is these days man, I got over it.

lol what a cunt you are xD

I think I'm lucky in two ways here, the first one being that I have had zero technical problems except for roads clipping through mountains every now and again, the second point of luck for me is that I had absolutely no expectations for SimCity 5 considering that Maxis went to hell with Spore and Sims 3 and that EA

Which I have