
What's so terrible about SimCity 5? I freaking love that game

I think people hate it because it was the first film targeted toward children, and all the die hard fully grown fans couldn't comprehend that. By now pretty much all of Star Wars including the first films are considered children s movies, tv shows, and toys.


I was the same way until I got my gameklip, somehow the hilarity of playing SNES and Nintendo 64 games with my PS3 controller trumps the tiny bit of guilt I'd be feeling otherwise.

The idiots saying your joke didnt work must not live here... lol.

Get that hammer ready son, I'm pretty sure that machine will even be Twitch.tv compatible since they boasted to be able to stream content live (maybe even 1080p).

Dude, buy it. It's worth every penny even though it runs a teeny bit short at ~12-15 hours casual playthrough. It's one of those games that made me happy to have pre-ordered it.


That's true, this looks very good. But why can't they make a first person Alien game to save threir lives? Haha we'll never know xD

It sounds so simple before you bring budgets and mass appeal in to the equation... In a perfect world this game exists.

I'm sorry man :/

In deed... when the "new" AVP came out in 2011 I pre-ordered and gained beta access by doing so. I was in denial about the game until the very day it came out, and I am happy I didn't make that mistake twice.

Stale? I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that, or at least heavily disagree. Look at action rpg's and their evolution from Diablo to Path of Exile. The core gameplay is still exactly the same as it was back then but the mechanics have gotten exponentially more complicated and epic. I think the biggest problem here is

What the FUCK is so hard about making a good Alien game? They managed it perfectly on the PS1 and before... the ingredients are all there.

There's a childhood shattering truth...

I know man I dislike the industry these days, game developers and publishers used to deliver - now they cut endless corners to make an extra million at the cost of excellence even though they are stacked with more green than ever before. It's truly a contradictory trend.

I was born and raised in Germany, your father is correct.

They mentioned shinobi, I think they just listed the first in all the best ninja series because there was not one sequel on that list including Ninja Gaiden.

I hate hearing news like this, I feel a lot of empathy. I never met the man nor was I intimately familiar with his work but it is sad to me whenever another human being passes away prematurely. Somehow the empathy is stronger when it's someone I enjoyed / a celebrety I liked, I don't know why it just is.