
anything but super mario background music ;p

anything but super mario background music ;p

anything but super mario background music ;p

you nerds are hilarious xD

you nerds are hilarious xD

you nerds are hilarious xD

you nerds are hilarious xD

you nerds are hilarious xD

you nerds are hilarious xD

That ain't saying much, but it's still background noise.


why YES!

People that listen to this have some kind of nerdism issue, reminds me of my friend who would listen to 8bit music on his iPod and wondered why people didn't take him serious.

People that listen to this have some kind of nerdism issue, reminds me of my friend who would listen to 8bit music on his iPod and wondered why people didn't take him serious.

It would be a milestone in gaming to see the most anticipated game of all time running on Linux... I would shit my pants.

I agree with you but I really want to beg to differ on the over-rated thing. Granted his work is really cheesing and super nerdy to the point of me not being able to watch it but he puts in work, and a lot of it. There's probably a better choice of words than overrated.

*cough* Battlefield 3..

Here we go again! Maybe this time Call of Duty can get banned in several countries and not CS 1.6.

I can't tell if you're actually serious or just trolling.

I realized within minutes that I need to look at Far Cry 3 similarly to the way I look at for example The Expendables movie. Once I did that I stopped giving any kind of mind to the unbelievable nature of it all I just had plain old fun.