
Man I've been trying to get it running on my three screens like that for a while now but one of them has a slightly different resolution (1920x1200 instead of 1080p) so it's kind of a bitch. But yeah I agree, it really needs to be - maybe Steam boxes will change developers minds on that.

I completely get where you're coming from, I've only been doing it since I've had multiple monitors because I randomly saw people were doing it in Left 4 Dead 2!

I own SS3 and didn't know this, thank you.

Yes it's possible, you "trick" the game to run on a double wide resolution and put the split vertically right in the center. This works really well in Valve games such as Portal 2 and L4D2 but it does require some console commands and config file editing. :)

I do it a lot, I take two screens and project the game on to both of them with a vertical split down the middle so it's technically split screen but each player gets their own screen. This process usually takes a lot of modding or at the very least a string of console commands. Considering that the console versions

Sowas kann doch jetzt nich wahr sein das ist ja wohl der letzte scheiss, aber vom allerfeinsten!

It does..

Count me in xD

I'm a PC enthusiast, the path is clear.

I don't advocate the death penalty but people that stupid should be executed, kill him.

I think anyone with half a brain and a PC would rather play PS2 than any COD title. Persistent open world awesome vehicle mechanics vs. round based 32 player matches. There's no contest.

Seriously... I remember the Razor sixaxis concept videos

I lol'd

I do, in my bed for example. ;)

Ever hear of bluetooth? It's been possible for a while now even with apple devices.

I am playing it with a PS3 controller in 1080p :P on my Android.

Time will tell :)

As much as I hate this it's the truth. Three out of four smartphones may be Android but "statistics" show that iDevice users tend to spend a heck of a lot more money on apps and in-app purchases. Whether this speaks to the average apple user's intelligence is unclear to me but I do know that ignorant rich people tend

It won't :)

This might just be me but if my girlfriend ever started playing games I'd be so turned off, to me that's the equivalent of men playing with dolls that require diaper changing. :P