
So true, I had no idea what great gaming was until I got 3x24" 120hz 3D Monitors :D

Your stupidity hurts my brain.

Unreal Engine, Source, CryEngine, Unity, and many others already fully support the device! :) I doubt the next generation of consoles will however.

Shut the fuck up. Please.

They ended up optimizing it pretty well with the engine version they had backing Ballad of Gay Tony - that game runs like a charm while it's predecessor IV still runs like hell.

-_- lol...

Heads up displays can usually be tweaked quite a bit, I "have to" do it a lot with certain games like Witcher 2 or X3 for instance when playing them in eyefinity/surround since a lot of the elements end up on the wrong screen or just off by a few inches due to the abnormal 48:9 aspect ratio. That being said I am

Is it voxel based?

can't take a joke huh?

Yeah that's not normal, your rig is not bad by any means. Even on my alternate computer I use for LAN's the game runs over 30fps and that machine is shit compared to yours. Some of the other comments said to look at the beta drivers for your GPU and that's the first thing I would say to do also.

You didn't have to go megapixel on me - exact numbers would have been nice but at least now I know you like cameras.

Then I very highly doubt the next generation of gaming consoles will be able to fully take advantage.

I am running at 5760x1200 resolution right now with my PC

I love imbeciles such as yourself they keep me smiling throughout the day.

Yeah man you're missing out :) most of the games work with native controller support now so my 360 & Dual shock controllers work out of the box as well as the wiimote with a classic controller hooked up to it as long as you get an IME for it. The games themselves are rapidly improving in terms of quality as well with

I was thinking the same thing...


Yeah... I don't like sports so based on the subject matter I dislike the games also.

I love change and innovation, but aside of the various underlying OS improvements the interface and therefore overall usability took a giant poop with Win8.

Haha I hate sports and the accompanying games so I'll never get around to developing one but hijacking the systems they employ seems to work out incredibly well for strategy games! :D