
I like you.

Fantastic? Wow. They are fun but they're only little increments better than their predecessors and by this point Activision is selling shit to see what idiot bro gamers won't buy. Maybe you're just a hipster?

Yeah I don't think he should be posting videos that early in the development cycle but it's what he does apparently and people like it, also I'm not about to bitch about it so from that perspective I'll tell anyone who needlessly complains to shut it. :P

Well my country isn't always right when it comes to music, after all it is ours and Britains fault that Dubstep even exists and did I mention Tokyo Hotel? Yeah, that's German, too.

Haha yeah when I moved here in 2005 I had to educate all my high school friends on the difference between music that plays at gay bars and house...... they still don't quite understand the difference I believe.

I thought it was F2P and the people using FTP were just retarded.

What we are seeing so far is not even close to alpha. Imagine a 2x4 with some nails on it that'll eventually become a home complete with fireplace and chimney - that's what you're looking at. No one is asking you to live in that home so please shut the fuck up.

But then you'd have all the Americans with lack of electronic music sense bitching, I grew up in Düsseldorf which also has a beautiful club scene and it's primarily because of the type of music and the people that attracts. Deep House and Minimal will attract classier people than say Fuckstep and Fidget house or even

Thank you for clarifying that.

That show.. the couple of times I watched it I really did feel myself getting dumber and less tolerant of weird people by the minute. Somehow I wasn't able to switch the channel though...

You really learn to love 7, it grows on you just as XP once did and it will graciously replace that special area in your heart with modern operating system goodness. You will welcome the change more than you can imagine right now!

That sounds like negligence more than anything to me. :P I miss XP but Win7 really is the new XP and Microsoft has stopped supporting it as well, it might be time to move on - just whatever you do, don't get Windows 8.

When you say it like that, touche. I don't get constructive answers like yours ever on Kotaku so thank you for being respectful and a little cocky as well I can appreciate that.

I get that it happens but I don't think it should be tolerated and the blame should go to the Greek government and not the developers - they needed concept art lol.

lol and why shouldn't they from public locations with consumer grade cameras?

I don't see anything wrong with this commercial considering it's aimed at the British market.

My grandmother is the same way. 91 years old and no signs of cognitive decline.

I hated it and couldn't bring myself to play through the demo. I can't tell you if the plot or the characters are any good but purely from a game play perspective it is entirely different from Origins. With DA2 the series effectively got converted in to a console RPG taking out the various layers of depth that made

Sorry bro, I play at 49:9 AR with resolutions your little brain can't even fathom :)

I love how your avatar is Jesus, that's totally something I picture Jesus would say had he existed.