
Your jimmies are quite rustled, friend.

Every now and then I'll microwave them for 30 seconds. lol

This didn't occur to me until now either but my mind is royally fucked.

Path of Exile has become my favorite video game, even surpassing the greatness that is Diablo II.

lol noob

Seems legit.

U trollin bro?

Yes please my ex is from there!

The art style of wow has turned me off from it since it's inception and I'm not even a stylistist or cell-shader hater. It just always seemed a little too cartoony and lazy and a huge step back from their previous art styles as a company. Panda just infinitely decreases the level of serious attention I'm willing to

lol Rap and the real world never really mix, rap is the product of all things superficial and narcissism impersonated!

Shit bro you need to get out of the house more your perception of reality is worrisome

Skinny bitches like this didn't exist in the dark world of Skyrim, where all my big booty bitches at? Real men don't like this.

Living under a rock, much? when was the last time anyone you know got a virus from streaming media?

lol Dignity is precious, I'm glad you know this.

The 5th (or is it 7!?) iteration of the infamouse iPhone would have actually impressed me a bit for apple's standards if the 4s wasn't a thing - the lack of quad core and 2gb memory makes it barely an upgrade from last years iteration at all and iOS 6 with it's lack of changes is available even on my girlfriends "old"

If it didn't look so tacky typing thousands of "HAHA's" I'd do it, I definitely rofl'd right there cuz I did the same thing.

Don't we all know a few of those? :P

Sure thing, dumbass!

you obviously don't

I can't say I have ever consumed enough of it to reach that surely awesome point of realization that there has been entirely too much cocaine going through my nose.