
There's nothing humorous or clever about that, I don't even know whats more pathetic - the fact that he thinks this is entertaining or the fact that he's so far gone that he no longer cares about his exterior.

"An irrelevant game far beyond it's prime, however it did set the expectation for the vastly superior Guild Wars 2." - IIDXrock

This is what I see myself becoming if I give up my social life, girlfriend, and drug habits so thank you life for not abandoning me.


Yes. Those strangers will become your friends and since your real life friends use consoles im sure you'll get along better with strangers lol.

You have lots to learn, son.

Hehe =)

That sounds good to me, I already ordered the stupid season pass thingy figuring I could save some money as I'm more likely than not going to play all the DLC anyhow. Maybe it wasn't such a waste afterall!

Holy shit I just read that... I didn't even know people still played that game. D2 was my childhood nirvana and after waiting in line for 7 hours at the launch event in Irvine I can only say Blizzard has lost a customer. Personal bias aside they world-of-warcraftified the world's most popular action RPG series. The

I beat Rage simply because I was looking forward to the iconic ID software boss fight experience at the end... which never happened. Rage made me rage because it didn't do the shooter stuff as good as other ID games and the RPG stuff also was not up to par and the whole experience felt half asses. Borderlands 1 wasn't

Stop throwing a temper tantrum cooperation simply means multiple players working toward a common goal which, last time I checked, is still happening when two or more people play Borderlands 2 together. The kind of co-op gameplay you're looking for wouldn't add any fun to the experience here considering the drop in/out

I live in Redondo Beach which is part of Los Angeles county but my hometown is Düsseldorf, North Rhine Westphalia (NRW, or Nord Rhein Westfahlen)

I thought the same thing but then I upgraded my Droid 2 Global to a Galaxy Nexus which has a 4.65" screen (huge IMO) but it's form factor allos it to slip nicely in and out of my pocket. :D

I suppose I did mean that, yes. English is not my primary I am ze German ;)

You're deviating from the original point. I work with Unreal, Source, and Unity in my spare time and am very excited to be integrating the tools with the device. You're misunderstanding me forget about my initial trolly-type post what I am trying to convey is that as far as I am concerned support from these guys

You never know man, they could be collaborating with epic beings of mythological origin to bring prosperity back to their lands.


Some of the best guys in the industry are behind Dishonored, I employ you to get educated on this game as you would be missing out on quite a treasure.

Resolution > Size. This is an addition to native split screen. And 55" is no where near big enough for an e-peen your size.

LOL you just can't appreciate the art style xD