

So you actually believe Valve is risking all kinds of money on creating a complementary product to something that doesn't even exist yet and isn't for sure going to incite this so called revolution? I hope they do believe me, I backed the thing on Kickstarter; I just can't help but think there's something bigger at

Final as in structurally/mechanically it's done, (i dare say) polished, and playable I think :P

Oh yes I read it bud, but ask yourself if it will actually happen.

◕ ‿ ◕ Looks like you took that one personal.

In conjuction with the Oculus, a controller? Riiiiight.

As a German, I can't help but agree.

That or the god damned Ultrabook. xD

Seriously man I feel your pain, I loved the first movie because I was seemingly to young to give a fuck about what it's doing to the franchise but they wen't way to far off the reservation for me as well. Resident evil used to be a pinnacle of gaming and now it's more of a stepping stone if even that. :/

Seriously xD

Try playing those mods in the languages the creator speaks native I'm sure the spelling errors will be long gone

Do it better lol. That's the thing with mods little man they're made by individuals with passion not by robots with salary.

Try some out of the box thinking, a controller wouldn't exactly be innovative xD

For MMO standards this game does look pretty stunning but graphics aside are you really that shallow of a gamer that you "can't appreciate a title" because it is "low-poly" (which it's not, by the way lol)?

"So they're making a first-person Diablo. "

And for these wonderful reasons I will not be an early adopter of the final release, Windows 7 is awesome & all I need.

That might turn out to be optional in the final release, but other than that slight naive hopeful possibility you're right full-screen only metro apps suck.

Uuuh someone's offended

EVERY valve game

"and any free ones are going to be garbage like Blender" Go ahead and code something better idiot! lol