
No it’s not. You make a good point about the number of things you can’t predict, but the guy didn’t use the feature as intended, and he paid the consequences.

Which Harry Potter?

Then you’ll speed off in a cloud of V12-driven tire smoke, and everyone in your city will respect and admire you, because you are a hero.

As impressive as this is, I see two potential flaws in declaring ALPHA’s victory just yet. 1) Its opponent is retired, so presumably and older dude, whose reaction times have diminished since he was a real life Maverick-esque hotshot. 2) It all happened in a simulator, not in actual fighter jets, in the air.

Getting the most out of a RWD, 340hp car with a manual arguably takes more skill than an AWD, 550hp car with an automatic.

You’re young enough to not have kids, and are making this decision? Can I work where you work?

Me, I’m not as much of a horsepower fan as I was when I was 13 and the only car I knew was my dad’s 135-HP Toyota Camry.

I’m not sure they’re as comparable as you think. Maseratis don’t really have any direct competition, regardless of what they might say. They’re similar in size to a 5-Series/7-Series depending on which model, but nowhere near as luxurious, and a lot sportier.

Yeah, if he was back farther, he could have seen which direction the roll was headed, and swerved the right way. Left way...

Dude, he was this [] close to sticking the landing. More experience, I bet he would have been fine. My dad once held up his bike when he had a blowout at 70, so crazy saves are definitely possible.

Sheetz is definitely more restaurant-y than Wawa, even just by the fact that Wawa has nowhere to eat inside the store. But I think Wawa is the more ubiquitous of the two.

Wawa, for sure. There are a ton of Philly workers living in the suburbs with Teslas, and a Supercharger at every Wawa would be a godsend for them. Plus, Wawa is all the way down the 95 corridor. My wife and I saw one in Orlando when we were on our honeymoon.

What’s alarming about any of that?

The beginning of the video was so hard to watch on my terrible work monitors with a 2:1 contrast ratio. (Hyperbole, but they still suck.)

Zurlton Tipton? Is Justin Westbrook a nom de plume for Keegan M Key?

Isn’t it great how Kinja won’t let you post a pic/gif without text?

It is not production spec. It doesn’t even have the same battery? Would an M3 with a Hellcat engine be allowed to compete in the “production” class?

Well, mathematically, the per vehicle buyout is $20,747, plus everyone is getting between $5-10k. considering the current resale on TDIs, I’d say you’d be a fool not to take the buyback.

VW: “We fixed them, we promise.”

It helps makes the company looks nice and pretty for potential buyers...