
Well, they’re options are pretty much unlimited if they’re unable to get a Tesla at all and they need a new car now. Not too many people can choose the “None” option when it comes to cars. A lot of people will wait, but many people will also settle for a non-EV if the alternative is a 2 year wait.

He sure does, though whether that is surprising is doubtful. He is, after all, a domestic real estate mogul with multiple bankruptcies in his past. He’s never done anything more impressive than get this far in his Presidential campaign, despite being an ill-informed, classless oaf.

5th: Wait, so someone attacked by Trump responds with a much more intelligent sounding retort!? I can’t believe it!

You would only have to explain that to people if you also told them how much you paid for it.

Neutral: Tesla will not hit its targets. Its stock price will take a hit, but rebound with the next announcement Musk makes. The effect on the industry as a whole? I don’t know; I guess more people buy cars from other automakers because they don’t want to wait an additional 2 years for their Model 3?

Not sure where you got that idea. GM overestimated fuel economy on 150,000 cars by 1-2 mpg. VW lied about NOx emissions on millions of cars, which actually produce 40x the allowable amount.

It’s all good. Sometimes I just like to be “that guy.”

I assume you’re saying you wish Tesla could wean itself off the government teat, but your pronoun use was confusing.

Something terrible. I learned in a ‘95 Nissan Pathfinder, and everything I’ve driven since has been a piece of cake.

I feel like blogs like this should be completely unnecessary. Relationships aren’t that complicated. If you’re having a problem with your partner, there are only three steps needed to resolve it:

Neutral: I’m not sure there’s a precedent for fining execs in the event of a scandal. Can’t do anything about 2011-14 compensation, so not sure why it’s even relevant.

With the amount of power modern BMWs produce, the M240i makes a compelling argument against the M2 or M4 in my opinion.

Is there evidence somewhere in the lore that any of the ships in Star Wars require fuel? I would think in a sci-fi like this, you may as well pull an Iron Man-esque everlasting power source.

Perfect ad campaign for a brand who apparently wants to be associated with insufferable douchebags?

How it compares to American luxury brands is irrelevant. American luxury brands have been irrelevant for years as they languished with lackluster quality and design and rebadging the big three were so fond of. How it compares to European lux brands is what matters.

I’m not sure you know what cool means.

Neutral: I doubt it. As fully autonomous cars come to market, they’ll be too expensive to make an impact on the number of cars on the road. Plus, even as they become cheaper, I doubt enough people who don’t own cars will buy them to make a significant difference.

“And when your car can do that, do you really give a shit whether the infotainment system works or not?” Yes.

I really think the early C6 takes the cake. There are uglier wheels, but nothing is uglier AND cheaper looking.

NP. But more importantly, the seller seems to be a boss. RS4 and a 911 in one pic, and he’s selling a CTS-V wagon.