Fossil fuels are the reason we are where we are today. Without them we would be nowhere. If you like heat, electricity being able to buy goods at a store and being able to get from one side of the globe to another in less than a day thank fossil fuels.
Genesis is ramping up just as Peter Gabriel prepares to release his first original album since 2002. Coincidence?
Great way to honor her legacy.
Shit, just run them on Meth and Indiana will be the wealthiest place on Earth.
There are more ‘bad’ poor people than ‘bad’ rich people.
But their Momma’s say they are good kids--why chase them?
See’s slideshow, clicks back button.
Thanks Jalopnik
What? No space for your jar of Grey Poupon?
Do you think people of color are too stupid to get an ID card? IMO, calling voter ID requirements racist is racist. You’re assuming people of color can’t achieve the same thing as everyone else.
You literally need an ID to do a million things other than vote. Are all those things racist too?
Nothing else needs to be said here today.
Neutral: Slideshows....
They have GOT to name a corner after her.......
While I refuse to recognize any incarnation of the band that doesn’t include Diamond Dave as the one true Van Halen...
Holy fuck Mr. Gladiator-Guy. Who the hell thought $650 a month for a lease was a good deal? And how the hell are you still paying $452 a month with three years left on a five year old Miata.
Hell yeah friend, congrats.