Zachary Bos

I am humbled by their bravery.

That’s the difference between the Hitler-era Nazis and the current ones, i.e. you. They flew their racist freak flag high and were proud of it. You hide behind PC terms like “alt right”.

Take it up with its owner. Bring a lawyer though, he seems to be tired of you assholes.

Wow. Your capacity for argumentative discourse is pretty abysmal if the extent of your ability for it begins and ends at “I can share shitty alt-right memes”.

Was Altman under threat of government persecution for writing his stupid blog post or spouting his stupid ideas? No? Then your stupid point is as stupid as his, on top of the fact that slippery slope is a logical fallacy.

Sorry if I invaded your safe space.

Trump’s win was the biggest example of the power of spite I’ve ever seen.

Hey look everyone, smartass over here can tell what a frog looks like! Quick, get the fisher price toy, maybe he’ll tell us what sound the chicken makes next!

Yea, and the swastika is a Buddhist symbol but if you saw it spray painted on a storefront you probably wouldn’t think the owners were Buddhist.

Your handle, combined with this being a new account which has solely posted bullshit concern trolling suggests otherwise.

Yes. The guy who’s name states his distaste for “SWJs” is clearly a leftist.

Okay, despite how serious the resurgence of toxic nationalism has been here in the US over the past couple of years, I gotta tell you—the history nerd in me snorted a little at that joke.

Thanks for bringing some levity.

80 years later and Nazis are still stealing art...

I’m sorry. I hope you can find some solace in the fact that you are not alone.

God are pun jokes annoying. I hate them from my head tomatoes.

It’s the same weapon being fired twice: White capital.

Bwa ha ha ha! You’re so full of it.

UK Update:

Thank you for the post. Jezebel pursued an open secret story inside of an industry that’s incredibly male dominated and where misogynist views (women aren’t and can’t be funny) still exist. The nature of CK’s comedy added icky complexity to the endeavor. Strong CK defenders (outside the comedy world) are to CK what

I’m a fan of Jen Kirkman and a diehard Jezzie. I admire CK’s work but have never been completely comfortable with him as a person, as I’d heard this shit before (which is rare, I usually have no idea what’s up with celebs). So...Confliction, party of 1.