Zachary Bos

Let’s be honest...you never really cared.

#11 “this list is not productive nor a good conversation starter” guy

If typing could A) Make other people ill because it passed on a communicable disease or infection and B) could cause the employee you are forcing to type at a set rate to suffer significant and permanent physical damage then you are damn straight the government should step in and ensure that the workers safety while

>The proper way to think about it is, “How can the government remedy gross economic inequality by moving wealth from those who have too much to those who have too little?”

Here is exactly how the Republican tax scam works, as explained clearly by one of its proponents.

Thats because MEN choose to put us down and judge us based on looks, makeup, body hair, breast size, height, race, hair color, hair length.

Folks, I’ll be in town all week! Subscribe to r/redpill for more wife content

A thread last night ended up turning into a long conversation about the men commenters of Jez. And without being quite sure what to say or how to say it, and definitely without meaning to speak for anyone else, here goes:


The problem is cops treating black people like shit, not white people doing it. Institutional, not societal racism. Try to keep up.

Very smart person clicks on article they don’t want to read, complains about it. More at 5.

Heh, good parody. That’s totally what a shitbird fuckstick taintweasel clump of writhing maggot-ridden oystermeat would say. Just like that.

A+ for Jane Jacobs aneurysm assessment


I get that you buy into this notion that you’d rather eat poisoned food than pay taxes, but that says more about you than it does about the government.

Nope. It’s a tax on money not earned by the person receiving it. There are lots of things that original worker can do with his money before he or she dies. Even leave it to their children. But the children have to pay a tax on it, just like you or I pay taxes on any income we receive. And since they did nothing to