Zachary Bos

amazing. you started out by revealing you’re stupid then immediately revealed you’re sexist.

Nobody was wondering that.

Being illegal doesn’t make something wrong. All civil disobedience is illegal. That’s the point.

Did ya have ta bring him outta the greys?

Oh, you’re saying you’re worried us white ladies are going to be murdered by all the scary black people that the pro-fascists are trying to protect us from? Thanks for your concern.

“I don’t see how we can ever repair this country. We are past the point of no return.”

Hey, can I get a PedantBot for my very own? Do you have a toll-free number?

I’m proud that for at least an hour and 47 minutes no one has raised them out of the greys.

Thus answering the question I didn’t realized I had, “if you put a sociopathic technocrat in a a room with nothing but a word processor and the sound of his own voice, what would he write?”

Yeah, bull fucking shit. The “us vs them” started with the inhumane corporate abuses of the industrial revolution and unions were created to give workers an ability to stand up for themselves.

Fuck ICE. Fuck everyone involved in this. Fuck Trump, fuck everyone who voted for him, and fuck anyone who is still supporting him. Fuck his whole disgusting family, and fuck every bloated white over-privileged person who somehow thinks this administration will benefit him.

As if we weren’t already mourning the loss of the American Dream. What a poor show of humanity. The fact that undocumented immigrants could move through and up in our education system was the last gasp of hope for an untold many. No sancuary cities, no higher education, no chance of proving yourself “American”. How

Sure, please feel free to share this info.

Clovis does not “tell it like it is”. His viewpoint is an old one among racists of the paternalistic douchebag-type, where black people are ignorant doofuses who have been mislead by big government and the socialists, when in reality it was the socialists and the progressives (many of whom WERE black) who lobbied the

Why would I try either when I have a real live moron right here?

If they really gave a damn about our economy, Bannon, Sessions and Miller would drive down to the border, get on their knees and start begging and pleading for more illegal immigrants to come here.

I’ve been tweeting Tikkum Olam references to the Kushners for months.

Trump is an empty, grease-stained McDonald’s bag borne aloft by a stray breeze. He cannot control his direction, and his current height is due to the vagaries of chance. I guess the point I’m driving at is, he is literal garbage and his garbage-ness is so fundamental to his being that I don’t think he can actually

This is a perfect, platonic example of how a principled leader should act. Plus, the “her family is the Coast Guard” part...That should be an example to us all.

“Her family is the United States Coast Guard. And I told Taylor, ‘I will not turn my back...”