Zachary Bos

Nice try bot ain’t falling for this.

oh yeah! Your business model was to cut out the middle, man

 - Sally Field is standing on the furniture

Grown ass people following kids around who got shot or witnessed the shooting when they were just trying to go to school. Yep, this sounds like America.

This is good Kinja.

“I don’t label people or put them in groups”

if you walked into a coffee shop and said any of this to another customer, that coffee shop would throw your ass out. Games should be no different.

I would argue that being a contributing writer for Fox News automatically makes you a shittier parent than Chip and Joanna Gaines, but what do I know?

I looked. I had to. Look at this nonsense:

That argument doesn’t hold up on either moral or practical grounds.

Not enough stars. Condescending assholes like that piss me off.

Sheltered life much?

I completely understand that bad luck happens to people, but they are the minority of the people I’m talking about.

Well, anybody whose most can afford to put them up and feed them for free and whose mother lives near a university can do that, at best. The rest of us will still need to pay for food and rent.

So I’m hearing a “no,” you would not accept empirical evidence to the contrary on the grounds of something about busting your ass? What if we just called it an empirical comparison? Would you be ok with it then?

Ok so you get one life to live, but it’s not about living well, just living? What a joke. As long as our society continues to accept this pulling one’s self up by their own bootstraps mentality, which I’m sure is a lie sold to us by people already born with wealth in an effort to tame us and keep themselves wealthy,

You know you’re on the right side of the argument when you pull out the “no one put a gun to their head” card.

no one should have to have their time, which is irreplaceable, wasted flipping burgers to make other humans even richer than they are now. not teens either.

Excellent Start!