Zachary Bos

Idiots in power or near power unable to communicate properly - and critically unable to understand authentic communication channels - is bad news. If you can’t understand where that goes; I suggest you go back to school starting in the 3rd grade.

I don’t know you. I don’t have any deep thoughts on whether you help or not. You shouldn’t help because of I, a stranger, want you to. You should help (whatever that means) because it is important to you.

It’s funny yet bizarre, how so many of you believe women never give long bullshit, weasel answers, or talk down to men or other women?

LOL. Nice deflection. Maxine Waters is a black woman speaking to a white man. It’s racism and penis. Smh.

Maxine is 78. She has zero fucks left to give and she is not putting up with this shit.

Yeah! I want the reproductive rights, criminal justice, healthcare, affordable housing, education, pictorials about what women’s lives were like in the bad old days, movie reviews, and gross articles & testimonials about periods..... I don’t want that bestie friendy trendy fluffy brunchy dusty-rosey selfie filter on

Yea, when I say I want a newsletter “geared toward women” I mean I want the latest on reproductive rights, criminal justice, healthcare, affordable housing, and education. Not “dumbed down, we-are-too-good-for-this” takes on actual news.

So they peddle smarm, but disguise it as airy snark?

I am a news junkie and I do not read that crap. No news junkies I know, and I know a lot, read that crap. I find your statement hard to believe.

NYT Daily brief is definitely the news digest I’d recommend if you’re looking for one still! It’s short and has links to longer articles on each topic.

It’s like Brave New World meets ‘adorkable’.

Thank you!

Reductio Ad Absurdiam is a pretty lame logical and rhetorical trope. Back to Stormfront with you!

Oh, thank you! I will get right on it! We have a spare bedroom and everything.

Massachusetts is now a sanctuary state. Come at us, asshole.

UK Update:

Single payer, not-for-profit. NOW. That’s the only acceptable replacement.

You do not introduce a direwolf into the 1st act if it doesn’t bite someone’s head off in the 3rd.

It’s not shifting from Russia to financials. They’re hoping the financials lead to Russia.

Seriously. Once someone starts invoking “the deep state” in regards to Trump, you know you’re in for a good laugh.