Zachary Bos

Gladius ex machina, to be precise.

The same reason the dean of the chemistry department is a chemist.

Go back to the mother ship immediately - you obviously got overlooked when it came to basic chip implantation.

Just a note- they’re totally going to vote in that Senate Health Care bill this week. The good news, there’s two definite no votes so far, that being Susan Collins and Rand Paul. The bad news is the remaining moderates are hiding in a bunker hoping nobody notices they haven’t said no yet. Supposedly, they’re too

Oh, you mean the millions more who voted for Hillary?

Gross, dude.

Well, that’s the thing with liberals. A liberal will say, “we should do it this way, although I appreciate that the other side has a different perspective that has some value to it.” A conservative will say, “we should do it this way, and the other side needs to be run out of town.”

Your whataboutism is showing, comrade.

Haha you have no idea what you are talking about my man.

Please quit repeating the lie that this c**t (who stole his company, anyway) is giving away 99% of his fortune.

I guarantee Zuck has done more to understand poor people than Rhett has done to understand rich people.

Yea, nobody ever said this about Ben Carson, Clarence Thomas out Bryant Gumble. Hell I’ve heard people call Jay z out of touch.

This dude sounds like satan. I want to know you truckers, know you so I can make you obsolete.

If we’re limiting writers to be employed at major newspapers/magazines/corporations, I’d agree with you except for one exception: Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stone. I believe he only does one/week, but they are always pretty good if not great (in my opinion).

lol no

I’ve done Murph a couple times (no vest), and I think my best time ever was around 55 minutes. For comparison, I can run a mile in 5:30, two miles at 13:00 without feeling particularly winded, rock climb regularly at V4s pushing to V5s, and oh yeah, I played in the fucking NFL.

Now playing

Duck Tales would be my go to response, but since that’s sort of coming back, I’ll go with Mysterious Cities of Gold. It’d be very interesting to see this updated in all the many, many, many ways it could be.