Zachary Bos

They care about citizens. They just believe citizens number about 50,000 or so. Everyone else is either a revenue stream or irrelevant.

I haven’t seen the movie, and never once has anyone said to me “Oh my god, you HAVE to watch it.” For a movie that grossed nearly $0.50 for every human on Earth, you’d think someone would like it enough to... you know, talk about it.

It isn’t so much that it has left the zeitgeist as it has bounced off the surface of

MACRON: How is it that your clothes fit so impeccably? You must tell me!

But if you can write a check that clears, suddenly you’re a good driver and no longer a menace on the roads?

I think the one-liners are better than ever this season. I.e.

Black galaxy.

I fully believe you are not an idiot and your gender isn’t trash.

You have slain many a sinister straw man today.

Yeah the definite way to level the playing field is for the oppressed to bite their tongues and avoid posting silly harmless memes that vent their frustration with toxic systemic oppression.

Yeah, you said it! We can only have a free and equal society for everyone if we police what one gender says about another.

What are you guys in the comments fussing about?

I got a guy on my FB, conspiracy theory quack - and he has been sharing posts to get his followers to bully a transgender transition coach on youtube. One of his followers even commented that this woman should be burned.

I reported it to FB and it was deemed fine. I have to think that the above is significantly

I’m a man and I don’t find the above meme to be offensive or to “tee” me off.

Understand that what you are saying is that unless women learn to be polite and respectful, men will continue to deny them equal status in our society. Understand that no man has ever been fed this raft of patronizing bullshit.

Historical perspectives and current realities matter, and this isn’t hate speech because it just flat out does not carry with it the toxicity Libby is talking about.

Expect more of the patriarchy, they’ve been handling things for a long time, they can handle some humility.

Thank god Facebook is finally looking out for my Y-chromo brethren. We’ve had to hide in the halls of power for millennia fearing that women might laugh at us because we told them it was 10" when it’s clearly not the case. Everything looks approximately foot long to us and looks absolutely enormous in our tiny hands.

Or you could raise them to, on encountering someone who says this, question why they feel that way. And then take action to make sure they and others don’t do things to make this disenfranchised person feel like Men Are Trash.

One of these things is not like the other, my friend. That’s kind of the point.