Zachary Bos

A perfectly libertarian reply. Congratulations.

Well, actually...

You are not fighting, you are being attacked.

Interesting perspective from the healthcare industry, thanks!

Ha, thanks for the PSA. You’re doing a good service. :) I guess I’m just so used to arguing that same point over and over again! I don’t ever engage with blatant trolls but I do think that sometimes tough conversations/non-inflammatory arguments can be insightful. (Sometimes.)

This is a perfect example of racial bias. You just equated “sounding Caucasian” with speaking “properly.” “Speaking properly without give-away intonations, expressions and speech patterns which allow people to...discriminate against you....” also shifts the responsibility to not discriminate to the victim of the

No, this is not how language works at all, ChickenMcBooty.

It’s not about the company or it’s product. It’s about the people that run it and their connections to other people with money. They don’t give a fickity fuck if soylent kills you outright, as long as backs are scratched and palms are greased and there is some semblance of legitimate business in between.

Don’t shoot people. It is wrong to shoot people. Don’t brag on the internet about your plans for shooting people. That’s fucked up.

Someone get this gal an investor.

Silly question. If people decide investing is too much of a risk, what’ll they do then with their gazillions of dollars? Money fights?

I pay taxes twice, once when I had to earn that money and now twice when I earn income on that money working for me

What part of capital GAINS is not clear?

The clue is in the title capital gains tax. you are paying tax on what extra income is generated from your investment. Not the investment itself. QED no double taxation.

Michael, thank you for the amazing investigation into the corruption and injustice at Morehouse. I think that your series on Morehouse and Kirsten’s series with the Drug Policy Alliance for this year’s Black History Month were phenomenal pieces of journalistic excellence. I have no doubt that the Root’s investigation

Not so long ago, Nick Denton used to boast that Gawker Media was the last true beachhead of “independent media” in

Behold idiot son-in-law Jared Kushner—the man now in charge of brokering Middle East peace, Uberizing the federal

The whole point of government is to consolidate the contributed resources of many individuals and do things for the mutual benefit of everyone that couldn’t be accomplished by many individual efforts.