Zachary Bos

Will miss your decades of insightful witty commentary. I don’t know where I would be if I don’t have my “iusuallydisagreedos” pithy remarks.

It’s crazy when we see how Bannon has his tentacles all over the White House and you realize he and Kelly Anne didn’t get brought on until the final months. I bet Bannon and Manafort are involved in two separate competing international conspiracies to manipulate the WH

I’d say this gives us a fighting chance at getting that sweet, sweet White House traffic

Shouldn’t the administration be publishing a web page listing all crimes committed by ICE, Border Patrol, and Customs agents? As a public service, I mean.

Yes, you fucking jackass. That’s EXACTLY what I’m saying.

Male fragility is a truly amazing thing.

The only Tavi I know.

Fuck off.

Log onto the computer in the basement you live in at your mom’s house and google search: I am a sad lonely douche. It’s science.

I guess his hands are welcome in Iowa.

well that’s not a very nice thing to say

I decided to BRIANSTROM some ideas for our crossover.

For the love of Khaleesi, shut up.

Mmm no, I disagree with lots of people who aren’t Nazis. I know your tiny little baby mind has a hard time wrapping around that concept but it’s true. If you talk about shit like “securing a future for the white race” you might not wear an armband but you are a Nazi. Go fuck yourself.

Just dismiss him he’s a concern troll.

Just dismiss him he’s a concern troll.

Yeah, sounds like total bullshit, but fuck it, next time someone brings up ghosts seriously (happily not a common occurrence for me) I’ll casually toss of, “Sorry, LHC disproved ghosts.”