Zachary Bos

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!

And if another asshole from the northeast who spends most of his time playing childish games realized he didn’t belong in the White House either we wouldn’t be in this situation.

There’s a reason Massachusetts is mentioned as rejecting raising the cap on charters: It has the best public schools in the nation.

Anne Frankly, it isn’t nearly as heil-larious as people think.

Yeah, and the ones that help poor people are a miniscule portion of everything. I would rather be a nation that helps its poor than one that fucks them over. We give so many breaks to corporations and the exceedingly wealthy. We waste so much money on the military. Its about values. Mine are to help the less

A company’s day-to-day goal is profit. Its yearly aspirations are growth. The end state of a company is a monopoly.

I didn’t say you hated anyone. Lack of Internet access is certainly an obstacle to improving one’s life. I hope we can all agree on that. If not, unplug your phone and PC for a day for just a small taste.

You do know that school libraries in poor neighborhoods aren’t tech centers right? You also know that not everyone lives within walking, or even driving, distance of a public library right? You also know that to get into college you first have to pass grade school, junior high and high school right?

With the added benefit of quieting any descent from said “poor” people.

I hate to break this to you, but libraries across the country are being shut down as the first in the line of budget fire. Public transport isn’t far behind, so those people who used to have a library in their neighborhood are pretty much fucked.

“Clearly you are just repeating a liberal buzzword without making an actual point.”

Clearly you totally misunderstand the critical importantce of Net Neutrality.

I’m so made of firey rage at this moment it’s just impossible for that to happen.

Don’t burn yourself on that take.

Wow, you must be fun at parties.

Of all of the bad things that Donald Trump might do to the world, perhaps the worst would be to drag us into a war.