Zachary Bos

You’re clearly very skilled at analogous thinking. Good show!

Any punk kid growing up in the 80s and 90s that wasn’t a skin at some point probably had to fight them. They got to learn firsthand what a problem skinhead racists were, by just tolerating them. One skin became two, two became eight, then the place was full of skins beating on everyone that wasn’t one and driving

“they were encouraging users to go to some kind of ‘bounty’ site, where users collaborate to attempt to gather personal information on targets.”

You think because you put it into quotes, it’s not hate speech? Let me guess, you’re also not “racist”

Then you are not as liberal as they come. You’re not that liberal at all, actually.

BREAKING: Management thinks spending money on labour is bad

the idea of an individual negotiating effectively on their behalf, in a job where there is little leverage (lets say working at a super market, or a manual laborer at a construction site) is non existent. You could say “Well then become more valuable so you have some leverage” but the issue is we have people doing

The resistance, our resistance, is being led by women. Whether it’s the organizers of marches, the lawyers volunteering their times at the airport to help detainees, the judges who slapped down this EO or the attorney general who upheld the Constitution.

They require a nebulous belief in a diety or religion. Scouts and leaders can lie, and certainly many do (what percent of people sitting in pews REALLY believe, anyway?), but many refuse to.

If you had asked me ten years ago, who would the scouts accept first, atheist/agnostics or LGBT folks... I probably wouldn’t


Yes, wear a shirt with a slogan on it. Yes, put a bumper sticker on your car. Yes, flood your social media feed with

Wow what an amazing insight about choice in a market. Never heard this shit before

You’re a cuck.

First, quit parroting Breitbart like an empty-headed special snowflake. Oops, did I just hurt your fee-fees? Second, it IS unlawful - a judge has already put a hold on the executive order as they find it likely violates the rights of lawful US residents.

Some of my friends were at JFK all night last night drafting habeas petitions, or acting as legal observers for protests. They are true heroes. I am stuck inside working all day today on my normal legal work, or I’d be out protesting right now. (I’m not an immigration lawyer, but if I were, I would be at JFK right

We’re actually having a great traffic month if anyone is curious.

See you tomorrow.