Zachary Bos

Jew, reporting in! Guess who has two thumbs, a futon, and endless empathy for a refugee narrative? *this mensch*

I’m gray, so I don’t know if this will end up cheering anyone up, but I need this.

He’s truly a good representative of Trumps voting block.

Regardless of whether anyone pays attention to marches anymore (which they actually do, btw) , I believe the point is solidarity in order to lay the groundwork for bigger things. Marching does not preclude one from participating in these other activities from happening. In fact, it probably increases their

Turns out that Robby Mook was the perfect campaign manager for Hillary Clinton after all. He’s just like his boss:

Working on clemency petitions is part of my job. I’m sitting here crying because we have worked to free so many people like Demarlon, and I’m seeing their faces as I look at his. To be granted early release by POTUS, and then immediately gunned down while successfully completing your transition to freedom...?

A hero who stands up to a racist, misogynist moron? I’d hire them in a second. It’s only you right-wing dipshits who have such a hard-on for powerful people that you don’t think anyone should ever stand up to them.

Wow, you sound level-headed and normal!

Ah ha! Found the asshole!

By the same argument, she is saying that everyone on the left is an egg-throwing psychopath.

From far away, the sound of idiocy can be misunderstood as hope

He can hold me accountable all he wants. I have over 200 years of history behind me. Come at me, you fucking tangerine.

Please keep crying about this.

Fuck off, fascist.

Only if the little bastard really has it coming. Learn to take your beatings like everyone else, Little Timmy Sonofabitch.

Look out everyone we got John Galt up in here!

At some point “shareholder profits” need to cease to be the holy grail of our society.

Ugh, can you imagine having to go there for a dinner with “Human Q Tip” Pence, though? It would be like being given a beautiful diamond necklace but you can only wear it with shoes made of cat turds.

You need to learn to spot a troll and then not feed them. Never feed the troll.