Zachary Bos

Democrats have no choice but to play the long game. They begin with the narrative that republicans are too incompetent, corrupt and selfish to govern and then proceed to prove it over the next few years just in time for midterms.

You do realize that all it takes is two flipped votes for one of these confirmations to fail, right?

It sets the atmosphere of opposition and GOP ownership of it’s own actions.

Yeah. .. whatever you say, Balaji.

6th term Republican from North Dakota 39th District.

In a way the apology is better and more humiliating to Trump than if she’d just said no in the first place.

One of the requirements in a court system is to introduce friction. Sometimes it is bad, as it may be in this case. Sometimes it is good, such as a death-row, no-parole inmate filing 2000 suits a year over the color of his green beans and changes in the weather.

On behalf of every American who still wants real journalism and not the sycophantic Trump-humping from the more commercial outlets, thank you, Jezebel. Knowing I have you, Samantha Bee, John Oliver and now the Root working with you these next four years, it makes coping with this orphanage fire of a presidency a

You know, and not giving a fuck about state legislative races, and city council races, etc...but then coming in knowing fuck-all about how politics work and threatening to hijack the party because they are supposedly more important than anyone else.

I wonder why Jon Chait didn’t get that same sense of welcoming from his women friends.

I’m crying

has no compunction about putting boots on the ground (see Iraq War)

Nope. She’s survived over two decades of needless Republican abuse and investigations and they’ve uncovered NOTHING of substance. Is she perfect? Of course not. Is she a decent person who’s devoted her life to public service and cares about the public good, more so than Donald Fucking Trump? Unequivocally, yes.

She’s an intelligent person who has spent the majority of her adult life in public service. In terms of virtue and decency, she wouldn’t have much competition from the vast majority of former presidents, low a bar as that might be.

I voted for Clinton and I am a paragon of virtue and human decency.

“Lastly, I don’t think any person would have chosen Hillary as a paragon of virtue and human decency.”

Thank you, love. One does not bring a table lamp into the bright summer sun.