Zachary Bos

Here is what I want you to say:

Like rats, don’t even try! Like they just walk in and jangle their cocks around like a hippo’s tail while it shits. Put it in the porcelain for Christ’s sake!!!

If you’re not looking back, may I suggest you look forward? Get involved on the local level, run for city council or school board, or get involved in the campaign of someone who you respect on the local level. If you feel voting is unproductive, there are other ways to be involved and make a difference in politics.

Well.... President Obama is a Constitutional Law scholar, and a successful politician, and generally a pretty cerebral guy.

Yes, just keep employing those false equivalencies for Obama and Trump.

Hillary did not lose, The Russians forced her to lose. She easily could have won.

If the very worst happens, it won’t be because we didn’t know that it might happen. We have all been amply warned.

Cool story bro. What’s your lane, commenting on every story all day long because heaven forbid we should miss out on your opinions?

Also, James:

[citation needed]

POLITICIANS ::clap:: ARE ::clap:: MORE ::clap:: POPULAR ::clap:: WHEN ::clap:: NOT ::clap:: RUNNING

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but...they’re not wrong.

If you can’t see the difference between taking a deduction or writing off your mortgage and skirting $3 million of taxes on a $35 million plane, I don’t know what to tell you, other than false equivalence is fun for everybody. But there is a certain, gleeful irony in coming down on deadbeats and sponges while

Believe me, this infuriates me too. But I view all this as a piece. Avarice is avarice, no matter who’s doing it.

Hey, everyone writing “What does this have to do with cars???” or “I’d dodge taxes too, if I could”: YOU’RE MISSING THE FUCKING POINT.

This is a rookie mistake. The spine of the old god is meant to be installed as part of the building foundation, not a center piece in the bloody lobby. The dark one’s will can cause headaches and nausea when the dosage is this high!