Zachary Bos

It’s both mentioned and linked. And I wrote a piece about it on Thanksgiving.

“...choosing not to vote.”

It’s actually your civic responsibility. This is a really minimal price to pay for participating in our democracy.

That’s impossible because your time is worthless.

Scolding is what you do to children. You made your choice, and now you get to deal with the consequences of that choice. I hope whatever you were doing that night was worth it.

Not today, Satan.


He’s probably a copywriter.

So the answer comes back to Don’t Read It.

It must be nice to be so privileged and hope for something so simple.

I am not bleeding from my eyes, I’m bleeding from my wherever.

I’m in Bed Stuy and heard of the Central Park protest about an hour after it started. I wanted to go, but I’m too busy drinking myself to death (one six pack in, 0plan on going to the store for another).

Maybe his hands were whittled smaller by repeated slappings, like rocks becoming pebbles via a millennium of ocean waves. 

Yes, we all know that. You’re not smarter than everyone.

“And as a journalist,” Marsh added, “I’m sure you understand copyright law.”

This is good reporting

What about Sarah Palin with her map of politicians that NRA supporters should target, including Gabby Giffords? This isn’t exactly new for the republicans.

Totally Geri Blank stares?

Organize Or Die

Realistically, there is only one way out of our predicament.