Zachary Bos

Welcome brother atheist. There’s only one snag... we don’t get that many holidays...

I prefer to think that declining enrollment simply meant more families were choosing to send their children to local, public wizard day schools rather than paying all the extra to send them off to a fancy private boarding school.

Christ, I hope I live to see the day when we unfuck the broadband system in this country. When people recognize that broadband at this point should be a UTILITY handled at the municipal level, we will be a whole lot better off. Comcast might be the worst corporation in the US. I’m trying to think of who might be worse

I mean, I can think of worse hobbies than breaking glass ceilings?

Listen, if you don’t want to buy your bombs off the rack like some kind of prole, you’d better get to know some bomb designers.

Stop being obtuse.

Not down to fax without permission.

It was obvious to the rest of us. Sorry ‘bout your humor.

Are you new?

not really

She will win both. The other problem with polls is that, because of methodology (hello landlines) they tend to skew older, whiter and more male.

I’ve supervised workers in a union environment and I’ve never had an issue canning a dolt or deadbeat. I have then proceeded to inform the Union of the deficiency and specified the characteristics required in a replacement. The presence of a union has too often been used by incompetent managers as an excuse for their

If you weren’t a dope without the slightest hint of self-awareness, you would realize that the formation of labor unions was a primary driver of the establishment of labor laws. Points for incorrect use of capitalization for emphasis, though. Keep huntin’ that ammo.

Or he could stay true to form, and negotiate honestly, and teach the whole country a lesson!

All the stars to you!!!!!!!!**********

Ask those workers what they think about all that “flexibility” and how it affects them.

I’m sure it’s good for the boss - but what’s good for the boss is often terrible for the worker.

“Flexibility” as a rule means bosses trying to screw over their workers - as a rule that’s only good for the boss, not the workers.

Yes, because workers having rights on the job is such a bad thing

Tough crowd.