Zachary Bos

No, I agree with you. You need to pick your battles, but there is definitely a line. What you wrote doesn’t conflict with what I wrote, because it’s not a black and white issue.

Because while the first Robert Downey Jr Sherlock Holmes was fine, the second was absolutely not,

This is a reasonable and correct take and has no place in Kinja.

I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

Yeah, Clinton won her Senate election and came close to beating Obama in 2008 (that race was much closer at this point than the current one is). She’s also been voted Most Admired Woman more than ten years in a row. America likes Hillary Clinton just fine.

Nicole’s actually pretty adorable.

Well if you told someone a hundred years ago you could ‘send mail’ to anyone instantly across the world with talking pictures they’d have called you crazy.

A question. Doesn’t the code talks about political PARTISAN activities? BLM is not a partisan political activity. It’s social activism but not partisan political activity.

And this dude, a sheer bastion of intellect! He’s so smart he uses profanity and playground insults to just demolish people who disagree with him, without having to even resort to logic or even ordinary argument! Aren’t we proud of this sparkling American wit!

I’d like to add that we don’t actually know what kind of man he was. Our government said he was a bad man and that’s kind of enough for most of us, but ultimately he was a human being, and killing should not be celebrated. I don’t think any of the people who were in that building and had to kill those people think

He was a man. He was a bad man, according to what we know of the world. In his world, he probably thought he was doing good for his people. We don’t know. We know next to nothing, in fact.

Right below Donald Trump and Ted Cruz still being in the race for a nomination to the highest office in our nation, your comment not having enough stars is how I know we’re fucked.

On the bright side, Radiohead is disappearing.

Having an opinion like that makes me think at this point, you’re willfully ignorant of the American Justice system.

As a student of international criminal justice, I will be forever sad at this completely missed opportunity to be better than the terrorist. What a trial this could have been! What a precedent for future generations. But alas.

I applaud Rodeobread’s effort to dismantle the interweb.

You know what has been bugging me for a month?

We’ve done public day-care before, in World War 2. We should do it again, although we have to get it right - a bad day-care can be worse than no day-care at all.

It would explain a lot that he chose to ‘tweak’ the appearance of T’Pol to better fit his viewing tastes and also portray 'gel decom' the way he liked