Zachary Bos

“I’m quite a hardcore gamer...”

“It’s this coddling behavior that we have to control everything that isn’t liked that is ruining society.” 

Those without the self-control to constrain their anti-social behavior are definitionally the weak ones,

Social disincentives for anti-social behavior? Sounds good.

Unacknowledged privilege is unacknowledged.

Free rent would help me focus, too.

Your education had a cost; this shouldn’t the same value as what it is “worth.” If it is, you may have bought yourself an expensive entry fee into the job market, not an education.

That scheme for compensating people for their irreplaceable time seems a title in favor of the prepossessors of capital and against the interests of the people doing the labor.

Blood libel’s an old game.

Drop me a line if you have a moment? Email is good, press@penandanvil.com.

Has anyone noted the similarity between this film’s source book, and Ballard’s “The Crystal World”?

“... people who really want a black female to succeed.”

And so... you’ve stepped forth to represent the folks who don’t really want a black female to succeed? Thank goodness that underrepresented constituency is finally being given a voice. Your courage is a virtue, sir.

Reflexive hostility doesn’t help the world get better, chum.

How much do you get paid for astroturfing? Asking for a friend.

How much do you get paid for astroturfing? Asking for a friend.

They don’t support your argument.

(Also, “the opposition”... this is the world you live in? Petty combat is a hell of a drug.)

Science and facts are not on anyone’s side; that’s why we are warranted in trusting that them.

The channels of power that hand down a death sentence are not the same channels of power that deliver social penalties for antisocial behavior. I believe the word for a society in which the social penalties bestowed on bad members of society by their disapproving neighbors have been systematized into a formal “due

I almost have into the thoughtless reflex to reply to you at length, with an aim of making a persuasive case that you should rethink your position and approach, since both contribute to the kind of society no one wants to live in. Almost! Instead I’ll just state a truth: