Zachary Bos

<<Yeah, if you want to send people to jail, strip them of their rights or property or otherwise formally punish them, you have to do it legally.>>

Hidebound? Sir.

The form of reasoning you’re mustering here is not made use of in courtrooms. It is, however, widely employed among sea lions.

“Legally”; get a load of this guy, folks!

“You don’t need to be a Nazi to dislike SJWs...”

Has anyone here read “The Crystal World” by J. G. Ballard?

<<Except that many of the cities with some of the highest spending per student (DC, Baltimore, Chicago, LA) have some of the absolute worst outcomes. So that’s not what’s going on.>>

<<Meanwhile, school choice has led to fantastic educations... >>

School choice is a corporate scam. Democracies need strong public schools where every effort should be made to likit the influence every of profit-seeking interests.

I can’t answer that question, because I reject the analogy in whose terms you frame the situation. This a vast difference of credibility between rumors picked up in a bar, and “rumors” — or rather, whispers, and second-hand reports, and first-hand reports from sources who can’t yet come forward — reported on in a

I would say there’s a great chance that the signal boosting Jezebel did for this story helped to focus the attention of other journalists in the same direction, and helped to persuade editors that this was a story worth giving the green light to.

Excellent, clear-eyed, illuminating piece. Whoever pitched it, and whoever approved it, and all those who contributed to it — great job.

I see how you say “your” cause.

I read the take-away here as being that we get the union we settle for. There is a world of change an individual can bring about in a Local, just be speaking up and being active. The flipside being, is that if no one steps up to advocate for the right kind of values, those values aren’t going to be manifest.

How did your fellow union members, and the Local leadership, respond, when you raised concerns about these practices at Local meetings?

Hey, I got an idea. Shut the fuck up. This isn’t Gilead.

The Freedom from Religion Foundation would be glad to hear from you.

You’re not wrong. The freedom to be robbed, manipulated, and ruined is a freedom we should defeat to the utmost.

Nice work, comrade; the Americans don’t seem to be on to you yet.

Sea lions gonna sea lion, I suppose.