Zachary Bos

If you have any trouble connecting with those folks, feel free to drop me a line; just Google me.

If you’re in the Boston area, you can contact the Harvard Square Sanctuary association — churches and community groups that are literally preparing to shelter people in need of sanctuary.

So you’re like, what, American Vichy?

The argument that Russian collusion and financial skullduggery are separate here resembles the argument in defense of old Lizzie Borden: “Ah, so the investigation is shifting from murder to axe misuse.”

^^ gets it.

What’s a cuck?

I continue to hope police officers will come around to understanding their role in the community differently — and their duty TO the community — and will begin to voluntarily decline to carry a gun on patrol.

Pretty sure that capitalism didn’t invent investigative inquiry, the boldness to speak truth to power, and words. Ya lickspittle.

I apologize for calling your behavior that of a lapdog. It’s been pointed out to me that “lickspittle” is a more appropriate label.

The threat liberal and free societies around the world are facing presently is not a failure to understand the wealthy. It is a failure to curb their abuses of power. Lickspittle apologists defending the plutocrats make only a small, small contribution to that threat package, but they do what they can. They do what

I’ll take that note. That’s a good note. Lickspittle it is.

Do you think there’s going to be a prize for the most enthusiasm shown while standing in be to be a lapdog?

Yes, it is the journalists that need vexing, not the billionaires.

Indeed. Our media consumption choices have no moral value, after all.

Show me other extraordinarily kind people who espouse the same xenophobic, nativist and ruthless views you profess (or pretend) to hold, and we will have our first reason for thinking you are not lying or deluded.

<<“I don’t think ...“Men Are Trash” .... is stereotyping-and-vitriol-directed-thus.” (Just so we’re clear, “directed-thus” = toward the priviledged, in this case men). It might not be.>>

Sounds like you might be an advocate of traffic penalties calculated as a percentage of income rather than according to a fixed fees schedule. No?

<<How? Anti-anything sentiments, if adopted by others, spread antipathy for that thing. Regardless of that thing’s power status. Indeed, sometimes because of it.>>

<<The phrase “Men are Trash” is gender-bashing all males, pure and simple.>>