Zachary Bos

You ducked my question, and misrepresented my answer. That doesn’t persuade anyone of anything.

You have a strange view of the idea of “force.” I take the Rousseauvian view of liberalism: that we reach a point of agreement through persuasion, not compulsion.

“How exactly, does me owning a firearm hurt you, disparage you, or affect your life, specifically?”

Not a numbers guy, are ya?

You’re trying to persuade us that we live in a society that conforms to your hideous description. We don’t.

Thanks for commenting, Jon!

Allow me to be the first to welcome our adorable mocha-complected overlords,

Why wait to be asked? Do your part and mail him coat hangers now.

Thank you for commenting, Dean Cooley.

“I’m not saying she is a great choice but clearly we should all be open to some new perspectives.”

Okay, I’ll bite. What district — school district, or Congressional district, if you like — do you live in, are you talking about? Let’s see what the Democrats representing you have been doing.

Go get ‘em.

May I ask, did you take these photos?

Stop it. That kind of humor makes me führerious.

No worries. I didn’t register at first read that this was a BMW — I was just trying to make sense out of the license plate in light of this “Bavarian Project” phrase.

That makes a kind of sense. Presumably he is referring to an earlier “Bavarian Project” that he did?

Chill, RPFP. I get it. You do nazi anything unusual here.

Okay, so if he’s referring to the BMW as the “other” Bavarian Project, what’s the original one he’s referring to?

I’d like to think it’s something as benign as other comments are suggesting, but.

Plausible? Thanks for the thinking.