Zachary Bos

No joke; still can’t sort out what he means. If the BWM is *another* “Bavaria Project”, what’s the original one he’s referring to?

Sure, but it leaves me with the same questions.

“... the real explanation is fairly technical.”


Society has already invented a way to help the less fortunate. It’s called “the government we pay for.”

“So saying that a student will fail if they don’t have access at home is a fallacy.”

Is the allusion to a “Bavaria Project Two” on the license plate, an endorsement of Nazism, or a warning against it? Is Vitiello’s call-out endorsement or warning?

Sounds like you did a terrible job managing the human resources lined up under your supervision.

“I am about as liberal as they come...”

No, it is not Christian; but every Scout and Scouter has to sign a form which includes a line affirming religious belief in a higher power.

True thing!

Half a century, or a thousand years?

Don’t let the door hit you on the on way out, ya reading impaired gun-worshipping reality denier. Take care.

Sure, buddy. That’s how arguments get settled. You throw up a link as evidence, which does not demonstrate the point you assert. Then you say, well, show me how I’m wrong.

Do you think I don’t know the difference between organized and nonorganized labor?

When you insist that Uber drivers are not Uber employees, you’re doing violent and dishonest things with language.

Now address the point that organized workers are differently empowered than nonorganized workers.

Here’s one of our Boston atheists on the same page as you.

Originalist tosh, and bad originalist toss to boot. Not just internally inconsistent, not only ahistorical, not merely isolated from the usage conventional of the socialist context of compositions — what is most damning is that the discussion fails to make proper use of the jurisprudence in whose pages can be found

Returning to an old thread is silly. Still, your misreading is sillier.