Zachary Bos

Thanks for the contribution to the conversation, Donald.

Pretty sure Trump isn’t anyone’s legitimate boss as much as he is a populist schmuck whose cynical campaign-gaming coincided with a particularly unethical GOP leadership regime.

This is no fight, FiftyTen. It’s an exchange. One in which I fear I haven’t done a good job of finding the common ground, though that was why that quote came to mind. As you noted, the decision to curb the Twittering of the Parks folks was likely legal. There is much that a government may do which is legal and

(Do you know the source of the quote?)

Petty? I suppose you’re right. Some lies are just too small to challenge. Lord knows that the government employee who refuses to be complicit in propaganda,if the government employee most likely to embrace goose-stepping and genocide. My friend, your words have persuaded me.

“He’s the CEO of the government now, and this is an official channel. This is well within his purview.”

Yes but, I was not correcting a misunderstanding of the bureaucratic procedures involved. I was calling attention to a moral standard against which we can hold up these kinds of actions.

We’re the employers, ya dip.

You’re a sore loser. Get a clue.

I’m in. Pick a date.

Sounds hot.

An important touchstone to be sure.

So you’re not defending Trump, you’re indulging yourself in the role of contemptuous poison pill.

“You think attacks on Hillary were the reason people voted for Trump?”

I strongly doubt any intentional signaling was going on. That said, I do think certain evil logos (think the KKK, the Nazis, Norsefire) and this new White House logo, are rooted in a common sensibility. It is a view of the world that acts according to ethos and not logos. It’s an emotional, even Romantic, mind, the

When dealing with an interlocutor using evasion rather than outright lies, subtlety seems called for.

Cheers, Joe. Take care.

Exactly. (Though, I’m not in the camp of those people. I just have the view that AdamGillrie and his chums are not sweating the apocalypse. They’re prepping for it, and hungry for it.)

There’s plenty of room for discussion... about the governance decisions that are putting 500 Days into such contortions of anguish. I don’t know of any political ideology that leads to the decision to break continuity in oversight of the NNSA; do you? I can readily imagine a Republican making similar noises of