Zachary Bos

Wealthy Germans orchestrated Hitler’s rise to political power.

Glad it was helpful.

If you were given a machine that had the ability to to re-cast history, so that the roles of achievement in politics, industry, and culture were re-distributed to persons across a wider range of personal identity (gender, ethnicity, and so on)... would you press the button and make that happen? I think I would; it

Your reasoning doesn’t follow, friend. We would by the same means you establish be able to justify sexual assault and child abuse — behaviors that happen ‘naturally’ under certain circumstances in human populations where individuals follow impair rather than morals.

I agree with this. I think we’d do well to get to a point as a society where we look back and think — wait, did we actually instrumentalize children in profit-making entertainment ventures? Glad that’s over.

Came here to say this. Well spotted.

Yes, but how many respondents are able to turn into birds?

“Hello, child. Tell me, what is your peculiar power that makes you a gifted outcast among the normals?”

Though, we shouldn’t suppose that there is any inherent weakness in being the “receptive” partner in a sexual relationship?

. . . peace will only come when the Palestinians renounce hatred and violence and accept Israel as a Jewish state.

Well you’re not getting any of my apocalypse chow.

I see this kind of opinion expressed about the election, and it makes me wonder: do you ask yourself if you might just be channeling a message that serves someone else’s agenda? A message crafted by people who exploit and disdain you, in order that you would see it, believe it, and repeat it...

Unwilling people like those lunch counter protesters?

“Nations” are not the sort of things which can be afforded rights in the way that human beings can.

That’s an odd measure.

He set out bait; you jumped on it.

By any measure, sure. I'll stick to my guns.

Indeed; though it shouldn't be thought of as a sufficient replacement for strong media organizations that take pains to preserve their journalistic record.

“We’ve always been at war with Eastasia.”

Perpetuating the disadvantage non-male, non-white authors have to overcome is as easy as staying in your comfort zone. “I don’t read books because of who wrote them” is a path of least resistance. Be more interesting than that.