Zachary Bos

You did not drop a line to the management. You’re standing up in the dining room, proclaiming your displeasure for all the other patrons to hear.

Has there been any response to the arrival of Our Revolution from the folks at Brand New Congress?


Are there no workhouses where the poor may go? No sir, I will not give you money. Good day sir.

Sounds like you are dangerously close to volunteering to serving as a club organizer....

I’m the state director for a national atheist organization. I can assure you, this is not a publicity stunt — the plan is to really and truly roll out these after-school club meetings.

Sharp is also accused of beating her children with a rod; three of them testified that she would say she was trying to “beat the fire” out of them.

So sharp I had to tweet it:

Minefield Ordnance Unarming System Enhanced Robots for President?

We get the culture we settle for. Your comments here, whatever your motivation, seem to amount to a one-word suggestion: “Settle!”

There’s no particular reason for hewing to those terms, as their linguistic origins come out of exceedingly shallow historical waters — the variety of names for groupings of different animals came about as a parlor diversion by literary wags. Propose your own name, and that’ll be exactly as legitimate. “A hootenanny

I’d like to start seeing on-duty police officers voluntarily decline to carry firearms on their person.

Has anyone else here read “Railsea” by China Mieville?

Without wishing to lend any defense to this nonsense, I know that many high-level academic administrators do not directly monitor their email accounts. They have staff assistants to read and reply to emails, and ghost-writers who will compose important messages leaving from that account.

Ankhers away, matey.

“Thy story is a marvelous one! If it were graven with needles on the corners of the eye, it would serve as a warning to those that can profit by example.”

O fish, are you constant to the old covenant?

Fair enough. Do you weigh the ethical arguments (even just the sustainability issues) at all, or it just aesthetics for you?