Zachary Bos

The conclusion to be drawn is not that this study provides evidence for free will. (That is a term you won’t find often in published papers.) The more qualified interpretation is that this study suggests that it is processes downstream from the onset of the readiness potential which determine whether a volitional

I think the situation may be easier to grapple with if the interrogators were sociopaths hell-bent on framing a kid. The more discomforting expanation is that systems which replace human judgment and accountability with procedural authority may as a side effect produce such results. May even, in some corners of the


I understand that dairy lost 11 pounds in 30 days by cutting Khloe out of its life. #letsalltryit

Gotcha. You’re not wrong, hombre.

Are you in Boston, or just of Boston?

How do you mean?

And atheists.


To be dealt with by you and me and a few million others, in all the ways we influence our communities and society: voting, buying, parenting, joining, conversing, challenging, working. I fear that sounds trivial, but many things do and are nonetheless true.

“... the worst / are full of passionate intensity.”

I walk past them about once a week going into the supermarket next door. I always tell the clinic escorts out front: THANK YOU FOR BEING AWESOME. All the while, the vigil-antes keep up with the prayer they’re muttering, fingering their rosary beads. I get the feeling they’re not quite there with me on the sidewalk.

On the other hand, persuade them to another view. Division of the population into polarized and non-communicating camps tends to exacerbate xenophobia — again, playing into the hands of those who would see society (here in the USA, and in the Middle East) torn apart.

Cultural, political, and economic disenfranchisement nurture ideological fanaticism. It’s nothing to do with religion or ethnicity. That ideologues manifest their fanaticism in nationalistic or religious terms is a symptom of structural inequality, not evidence of the essentially fanatical nature of any particular

You tell hir!

Nice try. No way am I trusting the advice of a “dietician”... I mean, the word “die” is right in there!

Thank you. It helps.

I suppose I’m an arrogant atheist, and I find your judgmental attitude toward me an my ilk hurtful and needless. Let’s hug it out.

Psst — which god?

EVERYONE is either a theist or an atheist (or non-theist). Persons of both persuasions may ALSO be agnostics. #epistemology