Zachary Bos

American Atheist state director here! According to convention, a nontheist or atheist may come in two breeds: strong or weak. A strong atheist is someone who holds to the believe that gods do not exist. A weak atheist is someone who simply lacks the believe that gods exist. Both breeds are very welcome at the atheist


Is this the guy?

With due consideration for the fact that we all have to do silly things in exchange for our paycheck, allow me to say — this is not good PR. It is, however, good Kinja. Thank you for the contribution.

Thank you for sharing your views, Donald.

Logrolling competition.

I take your point, but in order FOR our campaign seasons to be shorter, you’d need a whole suite of structural changes in the way we do politics. If those changes were in place, I don’t think a Trump candidacy could have become the strange attractor it has.

You’re misrepresenting, or misconstruing, the argument against money in politics.

Pane et circum!

Thanks for sharing your opinion, Stephen.

The Canadian election that just ended was only 11 weeks long.

Money being withheld from a campus newspaper is not a threat to freedom of speech of the sort Voltaire would have been alluding to.

You’re using the same arguments that were used by persons opposed to integrating the armed forces. Stop doing that.

If you agree that it would be less than optimal to read text laid out in columns of one-word, one-letter, and one-thousand-word widths, then you’re already agreeing that design aspects such as form factor and screen dimension have a legibility, readability, and comprehensibility. Hence the delivery medium matters,

Thanks for sharing this story.

My point is that it is only wrong to make them suffer, when that suffering is not related to incarceration (or other measures) designed to protect society, or to measures designed to rehabilitate the perpetrator.

I acknowledge that this is murky and emotionally-charged territory. Even so, I’d like to complicate this idea that it is human nature to want someone who has hurt you or your loved ones to suffer.

The mystic would answer yes. The skeptic would answer no. The ontologist would point out that existence entails 1) duration in the time dimension and 2) extent in spatial dimensions. The logician would observe that conceptual entities only exist as relations between representational systems instantiated in material

With this accounting of the expenses of knowledge creation, you would seem to be arguing against a further needless layer of rent-seeking commercialistic overhead between researcher and reader. For-profit academic publishing is entirely needless.