Zachary Bos

"sneaker collecting is worth your time"

The call of the blue jay: JAYYYY. JAYYYYY.

The call of the black-capped chickadee: chicka-DEE-DEE-DEE-DEE-DEE. chicka-DEE-DEE-DEE-DEE-DEE.

The call of the whippoorwill: whip-POOR-will.

(There's a bunch more of these, but it gets tedious to type them since, you know, predictable.)

"Council of elders" is the essential sense of the word "senate: Middle English: from Old French senat, from Latin senatus, from senex 'old man' (cognate to sen-ile).


Friends of mine in the secular movement have proposed "guideparent" as an alternative title.

This is very well put. Is it your phrasing?

"There aren't varieties of racism."

Right back at ya.

That's a sentiment to end on.

"So many wasted words.... It's so simple."

"Exhaustive." in the sense of "comprehensive" or "sufficient." Laying out the argument for you as to why we bear moral responsibility toward strangers would be a "labor", but that is not the *reason* I am declining to do so. I am declining to do so because it would not be *good use of my time.* It is not *too much

"... while maintaining that it would too much work to explain to other Americans who are espousing hyper-classical-liberalism..."

"The moral responsibilty follows from your own positions."

I don't agree with your reasoning, and not just because you're implying that the moral responsibility we have to each other is connected to a moral responsibility to explain myself exhaustively to strangers on the Internet.

My responses are not meant just for the people who disagree with my position; any more than the answers candidates give in a political debate are meant to inform or persuade the other candidates in the debate.

Perhaps never? I think it is good advice never to underestimate the human propensity to fool ourselves into accepting self-aggrandizing conclusions on the basis of sloppy reasoning. (Talking about myself before anyone else, truth be told.) Which leaves unanswered the question: what role does (potentially misleading)

May you have more luck with tor lifestyle choices than they, natch, with theirs.

I fear we are too far apart in our starting point on this one, in terms of what sources of information we're drawing on, and what kinds of conclusions we're prepared to entertain as possible explanations for the facts at hand. In light of which, I'm going to leave it at that. Keep on keeping on.

"Being Homeless is their problem to deal with, not the shop owner's."