Zachary Bos

Not knowing anything about the particulars of the situation in your community, I wouldn't presume to make any kind of recommendation.

"The median household income in my area is also very high and they still are everywhere."

Alright; you're not making convenient assumptions. You're reporting erroneous conclusions, albeit ones based on the first-hand impressions you've obtained in the course of your service work.

"Suffering and evil are nature's admonitions—they cannot be got rid of..."

"... it's a never ending battle."

I don't; they both have a stake in the situation.

I'd offer that the alternative — "It's not my responsibility" — is an empty cynicism: undemonstrated and, on the face of it, unpersuasive.

"That Zachary Bos considers adherence to the most fundamental principles of -basic- logic to be the "entirely the wrong set of tools" is enough to demonstrate 'rational conversation' is neither his goal nor his practice here."

"You consider the standards of logic to be applicable only sometimes and not others."

"... you declare it would be pointless to explain yourself."

And with this latest response, I have to conclude that I was right in what I supposed earlier: you're coming to this conversation with entirely the wrong set of tools. We're strangers on an internet thread exchanging short posts, not interlocutors following the same set of methodological guidelines in order to

"As I noted, and you did not dispute, the concept "responsibility" includes ownership..."

"This presumes the burden of proof rests equally upon both of us."

"No, we are not."

That "or" makes a big difference. And I'd note that a dictionary is not the place to go for an understanding of how a term is used in a field like moral philosophy.

I'm not familiar with any moral theory that identifies "responsibility to" as equivalent to "ownership of." That said, I don't agree with you. But I can respect a person who takes their moral responsibilities seriously, however they view them.

I don't agree there is such a problem.

You're making some convenient assumptions about the origins of homelessness. As for whose responsibility it is: it's all of ours.

I could explain; I don't know that it would be a good use of my time. That is to say, I don't have much reason to think there's a use to continuing my exchange with necmqc.