Zachary Bos

"You could build 10,000 luxury condos and straight up give each chronically homeless person one for free..."

We're all on the same horse, friend.

"It's your ethical responsibility."

No problem gets better if you start with that kind of attitude. (Which is not a dig against you personally.)

You've made your case with such force, there's really nothing else to say.

People are working on it.

"The only champions for the mostly male, urban homeless, are people who have never had to live near them."

That's a useful and constructive observation. I'll bite. How, in your view, should race be distributed in video gaming, percentage-wise, in order to not be nuts?

It sounds like you're all for proportional representation. Do you find it problematic that 19% of Academy members aren't African-American? (I'd hate to think there was any truth in the old stereotype about racists being notoriously inconsistent.)

"It's ridiculous to expect everyone who is impacted by, or has to interact with, homeless individuals to be capable of giving them the treatment and resources they need to overcome their issues, hold any sort of employment, etc. That's what community action, community resources, and improving mental healthcare are

To the question of agency: I don't think any individual's agency is so far-reaching that it gives them control over my ethical responsibility. My ethical responsibility toward another stands as it is, without regard for his or her personal choices. Those choices may agree with me or not, but I don't think either that

I'm hard part to see how *any* member of the community is exempted from their part of responsibility in the well-being of fellow community members.

Alas, I don't have time for guessing. There are facts available that we should contend with, before we reach for guessing involving self-aggrandizing and self-excusing explanations for homelessness such as "their mere laziness" and "their drug habits."

Pardon my incredulity, but it sounds like you aren't taking steps that are going to solve the problem you're displeased with.

Little ones, here and there. Not as much as I feel responsible for, is the truth.

I disagree. You insisting you don't have an ethical stake in the homeless person sleeping outside your storefront doesn't make that so, in any world we could call civilized.

That's laudable of you! What steps are you taking to ameliorate the problem of their homelessness, so they don't have to?

Saw an ad for Amazon Mechanical Turk. The price was right! Imagine my surprised when it wasn't mechanical and wasn't Turkish. #falseadvertising

Did... did you fall asleep halfway through your post?

I object to her dental face-baiting. I have a crooked smile; do I not bleed?