Zachary Bos

Hmm; is it possible that the salacious content of this particle-ular image is keeping me in the greys?

A cartoon from my undergad days.

The Two Meowers.

I am fully irritated that no one told me to watch this show.

"I do not care who hates who as long as they do not do anything to actively harm each other."

By better understanding America's racist past, we can better respond to America's racist present.

Hamilton Nolan: "The problem with this video is that they aren't doing squats."

This is an observation which deserves to be written up in a longer essay.

Some forms of make-believe can be dangerous.

Since it is of no interest to me to beat further the dead horse that is the observation that Bachmanns departure is good riddance to rubbish, I'll share two interesting things about this aphorism:

Thank you! This comes just in time for me to tell someone I want it for Xmas.

"The art of originality is in concealing your sources." - Oscar Wilde

"Creating bills to attempt to preserve said jobs when it is economically feasible to reduce costs by replacing them with automation only hurts everyone."

"If robot can do what you did, with less money and higher efficiency, why should any company not automate the job?"

The practice of fraternal dueling is why German cinema villains traditionally have a prominent facial scar. (Which would be not schnitt, pardon my typo above: it's schmitte, or schmisse.)

Check out:

Used to be you'd have some young German men so hungry for the honor afforded to anyone bearing a dueling scar or schnitt on their face that they'd make the cut themselves with a razor, and then run ordure or horsehair into the wound so it would heal ragged, like the real thing.

When I was a physics undergrad, we prodded our TA until he agreed to clarify time-travel for us. His observation: "If I traveled five minutes backward in time and encountered myself, would that self be made of the same matter as the self visiting from the future? If so, you've just duplicated matter: For every atom