Zachary Bos

I don't have a vagina; did we misunderstand each other?

Perhaps not every point of disagreement need be shared? For there is a point in civil society where the wise thing to do is to set aside disagreements and emphasize points of agreement. Solidarity and all that being a good way to strengthen fellow-feeling and the sense of reciprocal respect, however irritating it may

I'm curious to know what three readers thought enough of this comment to Recommend it.

#shipoftheseus #notallaurochs

I bet you could help but think that. Don't give in to the despairing belief that it's beyond your ability.

We gave them out as favors at our wedding. Best.Wedding.Ever.

Dippin' Donuts is where it's at. I moved to Central Mass for love, but stayed because of the vanilla cream-filled.

The practice of criticism championed by Arnold is not the same as thing as the set of reasoning tools called "critical thinking" in a classroom setting. For that reason a practitioner of "critical thinking" in the classroom or on the job is not called a "critic." So shall we call the essay above a misconstrual by

No, that is, er, yes; we agree. My reply above was taking the top post at face value. I believe that it's wholly possible for people of whatever gender to enjoy films featuring characters of whatever homogeneous gender casting choice.

Sociopathy today, sociopathy tomorrow, sociopathy forever!

You get the culture you work for.

Sure. In the same way a movie with all female characters can be a "guy's movie."

"... this culture has a right to make laws and govern in a manner conducive to their majority held cultural beliefs."


Has anyone found any good sources in the ol' peer-reviewed philosophy world, where Pearce's ideas are discussed, or where he discusses them himself in a more formal manner?

Setting aside the feasibility/desirability/coherence/utility of Pearce's proposal, I gotta say, George, it was a good pick to fire conversation up.

Not so different from the ways things work now: all known life in the cosmos (read: Earth, as far as we have evidence for thus far) is stuck in a single biosphere. But instead of a Mind (read: a self-aware entity possessed of intelligence) the zoo is run by an mindless hylozoic interdependent ecology of bodged-up

This is a challenging proposal. And, however impractical it may seem, the ethical commitments motivating it I do think demand serious consideration. I see similar reasoning in Aubrey de Grey's commitment to his life-extension research program: the potential moral gain (measured by the livespan humans in the future

"There just has to be something more important than you."